Cast (smart contract)

Interact with DSA on smart contract level

This guide will show you how to interact with DSA on the smart contract level.

Quick setup

pragma solidity ^0.8.3;import "hardhat/console.sol";import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";interface IInstaIndex {    function build(        address _owner,        uint256 _accountVersion,        address _origin    ) external returns (address _account);}interface IDSA {    function cast(        string[] calldata _targetNames,        bytes[] calldata _datas,        address _origin    ) external payable returns (bytes32);}contract InteractingDSA {    IInstaIndex instaIndex = IInstaIndex(0x2971adfa57b20e5a416ae5a708a8655a9c74f723); // this address is only of mainnet.    function buildAndCast(address _owner) external {        // creating an account        address _account =, 2, address(0)); // 2 is the most recent DSA version                // encoding data to run multiple things through cast on account        // Depositing in DSA and then deposit in Compound through DSA.        string[] memory _targets = new string[](2);        bytes[] memory _data = new bytes[](2);                _targets[0] = "BASIC-A";        _targets[1] = "COMPOUND-A";                bytes4 memory basicDeposit = bytes4(keccak256("deposit(address,uint256,uint256,uint256)"));        bytes4 memory compoundDeposit = bytes4(keccak256("deposit(string,uint256,uint256,uint256)"));                address dai = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F;        uint amtToDeposit = 1e18; // 1 DAI                _data[0] = abi.encodeWithSelector(basicDeposit, dai, amtToDeposit, 0, 0);        _data[1] = abi.encodeWithSelector(compoundDeposit, "DAI-A", amtToDeposit, 0, 0);                IDSA(_account).cast(_targets, _data, address(0)); // Magic!!    }}   

Now we can start interacting with the DSA contract. Go to Networks to find each chain-related address.

Go to Networks to find each chain-related address.


This is the Main Contract for all the Defi Smart Accounts. Used to create a new Defi Smart Account for a user and run a cast function in the new smart account.

This contract contains most core functions of smart account name cast(). It is only called by owners of smart accounts and has full-fledge access over the smart account. Used also to access all the DSA.

Create a DSA Account using this function. It returns the address of the DSA account created.

owneraddressOwner of the Smart Account
accountversionuint256Account Module version
_originaddressWhere Smart Account is created

Using cast() user can access the connectors, which allows the smart account to interact with protocols or set up any settings on the smart account.

_targetstringstring array mentioning connectors, encoded data
_datasbytesencoded data containing function abi and params

DSA Setup

Inside the interactingDSA contract, we will create a DSA account and use that to cast a spell.

Creating InstaIndex instance

IInstaIndex instaIndex = IInstaIndex(0x2971adfa57b20e5a416ae5a708a8655a9c74f723);

Creating DSA account

address _account =, 2, address(0));

Casting Spell

Spells denote a sequence of connector functions that will achieve a given use case. Spells can comprise any number of tasks across any number of connectors.

 IDSA(_account).cast(_targets, _data, address(0));

We create an InstaIplementationM1 contract instance using our DSA account and then cast function to cast the spell.

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